Scala Web Development
Scala web development might be a current hot button topic for various web developers but there is a good reason for this conversation. Even those who have taken the time to learn Java find themselves gravitating to Scala web development. There are a number of reasons why web developers should take the time to learn the ins and outs of Scala.
It has emerged as one of the most powerful alternatives to Java in the current marketplace. Those who are particularly adept at writing code will tend to rely on Scala. Many of the issues that Java has created are being solved by Scala web development. Any web developer who is looking to stand apart will want to take the time to learn more about Scala.
The following guide is here to provide further background on the process. Be sure to read on and learn more.
Easy To Learn
There is no rule that says programming languages should be difficult to learn. Java developers who are truly experienced tend to enjoy Scala web development because the language is much easier to learn. The Java learning process is often painstaking. Thanks to the level of functionality that Scala has to offer, it is incredibly easy to learn. Its OOP functionality takes much of the guesswork out of the process.
Thanks to the number of Scala forums that are currently in existence, those who have questions about this language can find answers quickly. The best programming languages are used by a wide range of people in the industry. This makes it easier for anyone who needs help to find it before too much time has passed. After all, no developer can afford to waste their most valuable resources.
A Continuously Growing Community
To build on the previous point, the growing Scala community ensures that any and all troubleshooting can take place before any serious problems occur. As Java developers continue to jump ship and make their way to the Scala side of things, this creates a wealth of opportunities. All parties involved can share information with each other and assist one another when it comes to avoiding the usual pitfalls.
Surveys show that Scala has become the number one alternative to the typical Java usage. As more and more Java developers are attracted to the language, the community will only continue to grow. Larger organizations are also adopting Scala at a greater rate than ever before. Now that companies like Twitter have made the switch, it is easy to see why so many Scala web development professionals lean on these communities.
Frameworks Are Still Evolving
This ecosystem is attracting more developers because it continues to grow. There are no shortage of quality libraries and the existing frameworks are coming around. When more companies rely on certain development tool, this increases the amount of brainpower on hand. The web frameworks that are available to Scala web development teams are easy to use and come with very unwanted side effects.
Play and Lift are chief among these frameworks. Big Data spaces are also using Scala more than ever before. As more and more Java developers take a greater interest in the deployment of Big Data, the adoption of Scala is only going to become more widespread. This allows for the creation and development of new frameworks that will allow web developers to reap even more advantages from Scala.
Some developers may not want to consider the importance of being marketable. On the other hand, those who wish to remain on the cutting edge will need to. Those who take the time to learn more about the ins and outs of Scala development are able to make themselves far more marketable than ever before. In a world where clients are constantly seeking firms that exist on the forefront of the latest technologies, this is very important.
Scala is marketable for a number of reasons. First of all, it is a scalable language. This makes it easier for a site to grow and prosper as time passes. Financial organizations and various banking institutions are already looking to Scala. Low latency solutions are the order of the day and Scala more than fits the bill in this regard.
Java Interoperability
Java may not be the be all end all like it once was but that does not make it any less crucial. Scala is often chosen because of the interoperability that it has to offer. Since Scala can be run on the Java Virtual Machine, this makes life easier for all parties involved. Java libraries can be used from by Scala developers more directly. This allows them to leverage their years of experience in a more meaningful way.
Programs can be written in both languages, if the web developer so chooses. Thanks to this interoperability, experts believe that it is only a matter of time before the language makes it way into the mainstream. Those who are looking to remain ahead of the curve should definitely be taking notes. Much of the world’s code has already been written in Java and this cannot be forgotten.
For best results, web developers must take the time to become as well versed in Scala as possible. Those who do not are allowing themselves to fall behind the times and this is the last thing that anyone should want. With the resources that are currently available, there are no excuses left. It is time for developers to take the necessary plunge!
Author Bio:
Harnil Oza is a CEO of Hyperlink InfoSystem, a mobile app development company based in USA & India .