How to Yield Highest Price for Your iPhone?

your iphone

Do you want to sell your iPhone? If you own any older model of iPhone, then the decision to sell it is the best decision that one can ever take. Due to the high demand of iPhones in the UK, you might find many iPhone buyers out there, but keep this thing in mind that every buyer is not trustworthy. The iPhone that you use becomes a piece of you, as you have all your precious information and data in that phone. Giving that data in the hands of a buyer that is not reliable is the most risky decision that you can ever take!

We always encourage people to sell their old iPhones as this is the most convenient way to upgrade. But ‘where’ and ‘how’ to sell are the questions that everyone has in their minds. This article would serve as a guide for iPhone trade in UKto yield the highest price for your iPhone. 

How To Sell Your iPhone? 

So, let us provide all of the information that you need to gather about your iPhone before putting it up for sale. 

  • Confirm The Model And Storage Capacity!

You would definitely think that what is the need to do that? As we all definitely know the model and storage capacity of our phones. But this is still an important thing for you to do when you plan to sell your iPhone. This part is important if you plan to sell your iPhone through a classified ad, as in those ads you have to write each and every detail about your iPhone.

For checking the model and storage capacity of your iPhone, you would have to open the settings app in your phone and then tap ‘General’. In the ‘General’ menu, the top most option would be ‘About’, tap on ‘About’ and a list of important information about your iPhone would pop up. This list would show the accurate information about your iPhone, like the storage capacity and the usage with its breakdown, the iOS version that your iPhone is running on, the model of your iPhone, etc. Over here, check the model of your iPhone and you would find a number like A**** or MG******. This right there is the exact model of your iPhone. 

  1. Check If Your iPhone Is On The Latest iOS Version Or Not:

By this we mean that you should check if your iPhone is upgraded to the latest version of iOS or not. And if it is not, then you should look for the software update that might pop up in the settings app. For checking the iOS version, you would have to check the ‘About’ list discussed above. If it is running on the latest iOS version then you don’t have to look further for an update. But if it’s not, then you would have to again open the settings app, go to ‘General’, over there you would see an option for ‘Software Update’ right below the ‘About’, press that. Once you have pressed that, your iPhone would check for an update manually, don’t forget to connect your iPhone to an internet connection. It would tell you about the software update that you need to install. Before downloading and installing the software update, you must check that your iPhone is plugged in for charging and also it is connected with a stable internet connection (preferably WIFI). 

  • Clean It Thoroughly!

Admit it; most of us hate the cleaning part! But to yield a handsome amount of cash out of your iPhone, you must clean it thoroughly. For the cleaning part, take off the extra accessories from your phone i.e. back cover or any other accessory that you might have attached with your iPhone to protect or enhance its look. After that, take a clean piece of cloth (make sure that you take the cleanest and softest piece of cloth in your house to do so) and any glass surface cleaner. Spray the cleaner onto the cloth and start rubbing it over your iPhone gently in circular motion. Once the body is cleaned thoroughly, you should then take a soft brush and try to get out as much dirt as you can from the inlets of your iPhone e.g. charging port, audio jack, etc. 

After this, you should check if the screen protector of your phone is in good shape. Usually, in most cases; it isn’t! If that is the case, you should take a little bit of toothpaste on a clean piece of cloth and rub it gently over the screen protector in circular motion. This is a trusted technique to remove scratches from any hard surface. Hopefully, the scratches would vanish from the screen protector, but if they don’t, we suggest you to take off the screen protector to enhance the look of your old iPhone. 

  • Remove Your Personal Data:

Most of us think that performing a simple ‘Factory Reset’ would remove all of our personal information and data from our old iPhone, but that isn’t the case!There are some pieces of information that might be left behind if the data is not wiped out properly from your iPhone. Such data can cost you much, as it may include any sensitive information about you or your debit/credit card details and other details as well. 

To remove all of the data from your iPhone successfully you would have to perform a detailed list of tasks and once it’s done, you can take a deep breath of relief! 

After completing the four tasks mentioned above, now your iPhone is ready to earn you some handsome amount of money. 

Where To Sell Your iPhone?

Now, this is the toughest decision that you have to take intelligently when selling your iPhone! There is a huge demand for iPhones in the UK but as we mentioned above, you should sell your iPhone to the most trustworthy place due to certain reasons. Below are the places representing the least to the most reliable places where you can sell your iPhone in the UK.

  • Classified Ads:

You really dont know; to whom you are selling your phone with the help of classified ad. Furthermore, selling your phone through such a medium proves to be time consuming as well. Its time consuming as you have to first take some pretty astonishing pictures of your iPhone, and then upload them with an appealing description about your phone in the classified ad. After uploading the ad, you further have to wait for a potential buyer to contact you. Its unreliable in a way that; the person you are selling your iPhone to is a total stranger that you might not see in your life ever after, also you don’t know about the intentions of the buyer and where is he going to use your phone. Also, we never recommend you to meet a total stranger alone, as it can be risky. 

  • Your Social Circle:

Although this place is the most reliable for everyone around the world, but we don’t suggest you to sell your old iPhone in your social circle. You must be wondering that why we don’t suggest this reliable place to you for selling your iPhone! There are two major reasons behind this; first one is that you would have to spend much time to find a friend or a relative who would be willing to buy your old iPhone. Furthermore, even if you have found a buyer for your iPhone in your social circle, and if any problem arrives in your iPhone after you have sold it to that person, that problem in your iPhone can cause big problems in your relationship with the buyer. Moreover, sometimes even after using our iPhone for years we might not notice any flaw in it, and for us our phone is the best amongst the best. But if after selling your phone, that flaw gets exposed, then you would have to bear the consequences of that flaw in your relationship with that specific person.

  1. Recycling Platforms:

Recycling platforms are the most reliable places to sell your iPhone, and you would also receive handsome cash instantly if you sell your iPhone to a trustworthy recycler. All of the recycling platforms you come across are not reliable though, that is why we suggest you to trade in your iPhone with the most trustworthy recycling platforms only. 

How Can I find A Trustworthy Recycling Platform?

SellTheMobile surely helps you in finding them. SellTheMobile is the UK’s best mobile phone recycling comparison website. We claim this, as we have all of the best mobile phone recycling platforms available on our website. Selling your phone is just a few steps away at SellTheMobile.

So what are you further thinking about? Prepare your iPhone now and avail the best iPhone trade in UK deals only at Sell The Mobile

Categories: Mobile
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